Unlike many teams from the nations we compete against, our athletes receive none of your tax dollars, nor continuous government funding. We depend on private donations and sponsorships to help us win World Cup championships and Olympic Gold. With your help, we have a chance to reach the podium at the 2026 Olympic Games in Milano Cortina.
USA Bobsled ⋆ Skeleton Foundation is a 501c3 organization EIN 87-3917890
Your donation, in support of highly passionate and committed athletes, helps us continue to build and sustain competitive Olympic excellence for generations to come. CLICK HERE to view our NEW Giving Levels and Benefits to help you determine your gift amount.
Recurring giving is an easy, automatic way to support USA Bobsled/Skeleton athletes in a way that works for your budget and schedule. It is convenient, customizable, and helps ensure a steady source of funding for the USA Bobsled ⋆ Skeleton Foundation. You can cancel you recurring gift at any time.
A pledge is a promise to make a future donation of a specific total amount to USABSF. You may fulfill the pledge at a later date, either with one payment or through installments. In making a pledge to USABSF, you are making a commitment to pay a specified amount over a set period of time